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sticker QR EXIT MOBILE GO image of href = “http://www.flickr.com/photos/48584875@N05/7415427504″> Exit Festival All Finish mobile phone www.exitfest.org / en / mobile As in previous years, visitors to the festival output will be in a position to All festival events with their mobile applications follow! The new and improved mobile site m.exitfest.org Android and iPhone applications are available. The point of the up-to-hour festival, all events during the festival, an updated list of current events, general information for visitors and information events. Learn all about the new steps of the program and artist information, tour information, tickets for the festival, and many other things where you want! The only thing you need is – your mobile phone The Android / iPhone applications offer a lot more this year! You will be able to create your own profile and to access certain content – be downloaded videos, music, etcL’application for Android from the Android Market (Google Play) under”” EXIT Festival, while iPhone application is for download on the Apple App Store.Et that’s not all! We also have a special reward for those who can not leave their phones are prepared: The most active Android or iPhone app users given the VIP golden ticket to the 2013 release, if you are one! Tourists and download one of the applications given time you can on each piece of information before the arrival – in your poche.Vous do not need internet access for applications, because most of the content is with offline browsing, what additional costs potentiels.IMPORTANT avoids: Due to the fact that the performance schedules are subject to changes, it is important that you update request when so left out any information in the vicinity of a Wi-Fi hotspot or GPRS/3G! When you visit us abroad, keep in mind that roaming charges can be very high. Free Internet access is available in all areas of wireless and fortress in the center of Novi Sad.N not forget: these applications are completely environmentally friendly and prevent damage caused by printing paper, as well as waste after use. Forget pocket folders, calendars and documents, they are completely overwhelmed! Everything you need is in your mobile phone with free applications. Enjoy the ecological Exit Festival
CNET News – Threat office, still a threat (December 20, 2012 05.28 clock PT) … Point 2 .. The Andromeda Strain (1971) “Code 601” …
frame marsmet546 A story was told Hypponen 2012 has underestimated the rootkit called ZeroAccess. “The Zero-access is almost completely under the radar, but it’s a massive, massive epidemic., It is almost as big as Conficker, which served as material for weeks. [Zero Access] is a commercial kit, and developed by a Russian Programmers sold. [He] moved to [Master Boot Record], so it starts before Windows ………. ***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors point ….. 1 ……….) …. CNET.com … CNET News Security and data have identified four security trends in 2012 affect the security trends defined 2013Quatre 2012 2013Mobile and Mac malware bubbling effect noxiously, data misuse and data mining more harm to your privacy and the Web will continue to cause the reproach of suffer badly written code swiss cheesed the experts predict with certainty lessons go unlearned from 2012 to 2013.Seth Rosenblatt December 20, 2012 at 17.28 clock PT news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57560373-83 / four-security-trend … img code photo … ……………………….. Stuxnet OT ……………………….. The Internet is changing, and security experts say current safety issues continue to be important players in the implementation of this change, here are four trends that have dominated the headlines in 2012, and will continue to play an important role in 2013 GouvernementalLa.. – —- Internet as a tool of collective consciousness of governments around the world that the Internet is an excellent network to the monitoring, surveillance, espionage and waging war, the Finnish computer security firm’s Chief Technical Officer Mikko Hypponen of F-Secure can not reach full maturity in 2013., but the basis for this change is already underway. “There will be more operations along the lines of the Olympic Games, also has other sources than the United States and Israel. Later on we could go on the first 20 years of the Web as the golden age, when the power was still free, “he wrote in an e-mail to CNET.” Olympic Games “is to have the inter-government project, the secret gave birth Stuxnet , Duqu and Flame.LIRE stories: … Senate approves amendment Netflix supports the right to privacy … video Facebook begins rolling out new privacy tools … Facebook launches new privacy settings to grow … Not the fault of the user Instagram – Instagram fault … The right to privacy of children on the application catches, agreed sociauxInformations network security expert Chris Wysopal that “cyberwar” has become commonplace “If an event of political or actual war, we see that. parallel cyber attacks. There does not seem to be more pronounced. This is hardly newsworthy, as if we pass to the next expect a political event. “Take that conveyed in an instant. Government attacks on computer” almost no news, “he dit.Mais simply because these attacks are becoming more common, does not mean that they do not frustrate security experts. Tomer Teller, security evangelist and researcher at Check Point , said he was surprised this year by the rise of “targeted attacks.” “We have seen that with Gauss this year, Stuxnet family. He had an encrypted payload and researchers could not decipher. “Tim Rains, director of Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft, noted that these actions of the government of the consequences of nuclear reactors in Iran and other targets have industry.” Ninety percent of the exploits operating system tries to take advantage of a vulnerability to take using the Stuxnet. A very small proportion of malware uses so-called “zero-day” when we Products malware authors benefits of research professionals to see, “he said.” There was a trend in 2012, and we will continue to see in the next year. “…………………….. Img code photo … Android malware Marching asset3.cbsistatic. .com / cnwk .1d/i/tim/2012/10/15 / android-ma … …………………….. —– Other mobile devices, said more goals grandesLes experts Move to Safety for several years, and the proliferation of devices, such as mobile sets, the security problems is connected with them. highly mobile nature always connected because of their, experts have told me that the problems become more complex in 2013. Chief Senior Product Lookout Mobile Security, Derek Halliday, presented two interesting trends that his company saw in 2012. predicts Lookout and saw in 2012, “only a few dominant types of mobile malware,” he added dit.Les rains Microsoft agreed. ” [The exploit Pillager] is responsible for the second highest number of mobile threats we saw “Halliday added.” The other thing is, how certain geographical these threats we’ve been through the contrast between the United States and say, Russia or China surprised if you try .. an application fee of fraud in the United States, you will run into problems – a double opt-in message, state intervention, “he says Halliday dit.Un other fact is that while Android 4.2 is more secure, with many improvements in security, operating system fragmentation reach most people until the end of 2013 ………… ……………. img code photo .. . flashback (Credit: Intego) …………………….. . On the other hand, Wysopal said the impact of the software Mobile malware is definitely more. “In 2012, half of one percent of all mobile users from mobile malware in the U.S. There are a million people, and not an inconsiderable number injured. This is a trend that is slower than expected, but it will not go away. “The problem of malware is separated probably stay away from Apple’s iOS, according to Hypponen.” There is no malware iPhone Five years after the delivery of the most popular systems, they have no problem malware This is a great success of Apple job well done is. said … “—– Office threat, always a menaceMobile booming, sold with Android devices than Windows computers in Q3 2012, but that does not mean that we will see a slowdown in the attacks office ciblée.Une history Hypponen has been underestimated, called in 2012 the ZeroAccess rootkit. “Zero The access is almost completely under the radar, but it’s a massive, massive epidemic. It’s almost as big as Conficker, which was as a material for weeks. [Zero Access] is a commercial kit, developed and sold by a Russian programmer. [He] moved to [Master Boot Record] so it starts before that Windows.Alors Hypponen noted that use Windows 8 and UEFI Mac to create reliable processes, such as rootkits, prevents access to the zero rainfall Microsoft warned that finally and maybe next year, it will force change rootkits ……………………. img code …… Photo … Stuxnet ………………………… Mac malware has gotten a lot of attention in the second half of 2011 and a flashback to 2012, and is likely to continue. Hypponen said. “The author of the Flashback Trojan is still at large and is rumored to be working on something else And if changes in security chip on Mac OS”, probably referring to the gatekeeper Mountain Lion, “it is a part the population with the Mac essentially unaware of the threats to Macs, making them vulnerable to new malware epidemic. “And on all platforms, browsers are a large surface area to attack despite improvements in cours.Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security, said of new exploits and vulnerabilities, such as CSS that sniffer attacks, continue to cause problems in the most popular genres of the program office. “Suppose that you just downloaded Chrome or Firefox., If I can click anywhere on the screen, I can give you. These browsers are not really sure he died in 1000 cuts.” We have broken 15 years defective code website We have a lot of junk out there that protects a lot of interesting data sites. —– Privacy violations donnéesUn of notables safety information that has the rise of consciousness in data mining during the past year. Due to many political changes privacy in social networks such as large-scale Facebook, Google+ and Instagram of mobile applications politics trendy Fast and Loose and shockingly large data breaches at companies that simply can not be bothered, you can invest in a better protection of databases, the privacy a central issue of the Security Code ……………………………. img hackerstwo image … asset1.cbsistatic.com/cnwk.1d/i / tim/2012/06 / 12/100206hack … …………………………… Halliday said he Lookout expected that privacy is a hot topic in the coming year. Not only the California Attorney General had encouraged companies to adopt a more positive attitude of consumers before the government forced to step in, he said, but consumers are generally. “Device not only collect location information, but the contacts and historical records speak for themselves. We would be more than happy if there is significant progress towards [more confidentiality] as a target,” he said dit.Grossman WhiteHat Security pointed out that this is not just malware authors who use exploits. difficult to recognize until recently, “is that CSS sniff data aggregators,” he added dit.Sécurité holistic —– A trend that is not to deny that these security issues can discreetly begin in different areas, but the nature of the Internet is what makes it stronger than ever connected. Technical elaboration pioneer inspired Stuxnet malware, malware authors targeting consumers, which in turn are necessary to the development of new social engineering techniques that business applications, browsers and website owners play Whac-A-Mole with vulnérabilités.Et issues such as the possibility for operators who are directly connected to the Internet, such as smart TVs and DVD players, more creativity, more difficult to stop the social engineering selling sells all kinds of hacks and exploits and usefulness of medical devices is expected to grow to as much impact as we do not want that. admit safety is a matter of training in 2013 is a good year to go sujet.Sujets. Safety Tags: roundup, 2013, 2012 forecast, sécuritéÀ About Seth Rosenblatt is a writer RosenblattSeth chief of CNET, and wrote on almost all types of software and applications. at CNET since 2006, he currently focuses on browsers, operating systems and security, with occasional forays into the tech and pop culture …… Product 2 …..) …. youtube video … — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 01 … 9:45 minutes “http www.youtube.com/watch?v=wajIliPFHk4 …… ……. – The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 02 … 10:04 minutes ………….. — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 03 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqOwqXafjcg …… ……… – The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 04 … 10:04 minutes ……………. — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 05 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhp63DIM30o …… ………. . — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 06 … 10:04 minutes ……………… — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 07 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwcFo4fwqA …… ….. — …….. The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 08 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn82Q2JeB_g …… …………. — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 09 .. . 10:04 minutes … …………….. — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 10 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHC7reln_tw …… …………… – The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 11 … 10:04 minutes …………………. — The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 12 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqGztEExN4Y …… …. — ………… The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 13 … 10:04 minutes www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfsJ074Ccp4 …… …………….. AStrainMovPosté 31 July 2008The bestseller by Michael Crichton was faithfully for this taut 1971 thriller about a team of scientists (Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson, Kate Reid and Paula Kelly) racing against time to destroy a deadly alien virus that threatens to destroy adapted to life on Earth. As usual with any Crichton-based movie, virus is the focus on an exciting clash between nature and science, beginning when virologists to explore space in a small town full of corpses. Projecting total contamination, the scientists isolate the deadly strain in a single, easy high-tech underground laboratory mass, which is rigged for nuclear destruction if the virus is not successfully controlled. The film spends a lot of time covering the scientific method of investigation under high pressure and the rising tensions between scientists who have been forced to work in claustrophobic conditions. That is very fascinating if you’re interested in scientific method and technological advances but is more effective as a thriller in which tension not only from the deadly threat of the virus, but from the escalating fear and anxiety among the small group of people that have been assigned to save the human race is derived. The basic principle is always exciting, it is easy to see how this the foundation of the empire of science-thriller Crichton.CatégorieFilm & AnimationLicenceLicence Standard YouTube ….
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