How to download ringtones on a BlackBerry?

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How to download ringtones on a BlackBerry I have a Blackberry Storm: problem by theman . I used to download ringtones on Vcast with my old phone, but it seems that on a Blackberry you use Vcast download full real songs. Any help would be welcome, as the storm is overwhelming me, lol Best answer:.

answer djbro05
have two ways to go to thread: 1 Find reliable for downloading ringtones as place. Download the ringtone to your PC desktop. From there, you can install the ringtone on your BlackBerry by using a USB cable and the BlackBerry Desktop Software Manager.2. E-mail the ringtone for the over-the-air installation. You will receive an email on your BlackBerry with the URL of the ring. Click the URL from the email, and the ringing will open in Media Player on your Blackberry. The media player offers the opportunity to “save as MP3 ringtone”.

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