Can i download apps of iphone from itunes on computer and then transfer them on my iphone? {rsstitle}

Question by John: Can i download apps of iphone from itunes on computer and then transfer them on my iphone?
I am getting an iPhone next but I am leaving the city same day as my birthday (the day i get iPhone). My internet is very fast according to the satndard in my country but my country is a Developing country (well if you see the current trend of our economy, it is on a path of destruction) and is not very constant. So, can I download apps for iphone on my Alienware and then transfer all data to my iPhone (I will use the same account for iPhone as my iPad).
Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by David
Hi, yes you can

You firstly need to have iTunes on your computer, then you go to App Store on your left hand side, then you type the app you want, download it onto your computer. Connect your phone/iPod/ipad to your computer, then go to your devices Icon, from there go to your devices apps, you will see that iTunes will show two application areas, mark the app you downloaded on you app area 1 and sync apps, please make sure that your apps are backed up on your iTunes before you do that.
You will have the app on you phone a few minutes after.

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